Adult and Continuing Education
Adult and Continuing Education Email List is a highly segmented education email list that allows marketers to reach out to top-level district staff.
Having up to date Adult and Continuing Education education data enables you to get instant and continued access to present your products and services to the appropriate district staff.
The Adult and Continuing Education email data can be used if you are looking to target the district staff that performs a variety of administrative tasks in coordinating the successful implementation of reading and English Language Arts programs in the district school system. Employee is responsible for coordinating, planning, developing and monitoring the Reading/Language Arts programs across grades K-12 for the district. Employee guides ELA Curriculum Specialists and Coaches in ensuring that instruction is aligned with the standard course of study, interpreting changes to the curriculum, and informing teachers, principals, and district personnel of the implications of those changes. He/she guides district level ELA team in evaluating the effectiveness of instructional methods and programs and helps to develop strategies for implementation and improvement. Employee acts as the district literacy leader and facilitates ELA district literacy meetings and planning sessions.

K12 Prospects Lab
K12 Prospects Lab created a special platform with easy-to-use filters that will give you an instant overview in pricing and number of records as you create your k12 education data lists. The Lab offers you easy access to schools and districts email data. Segment your prospects the way you want them with just a few clicks and choose from 500+ school and district personnel.