Speech and Language Therapist
Speech and Language Therapist Email List is a highly segmented education email list that allows marketers to reach out to top-level district staff.
Having up to date Speech and Language Therapist education data enables you to get instant and continued access to present your products and services to the appropriate district staff.
The Speech and Language Therapist email data can be used if you are looking to target the district staff responsible for providing diagnostic and intervention services for students with speech, language and hearing disorders helping students to adjust and access the general education curriculum. They work in cooperation with appropriate district supervisors, teachers, parents and students; assess, screen, and evaluate students and effectively share results with parents and educational staff, and participate in the eligibility determination process in accordance with state and school division requirements and best practice; develop and implement individual Education Plans (IEPs) for students with Speech/Language impairment and assists with IEPs for students with speech/language as a service on an annual basis or according to requirements; demonstrate knowledge of child growth and development and individual student needs by providing relevant instruction according to the IEP and educational best practices; provide consultative services for school staff by sharing and demonstrating specific techniques and working with school teams to facilitate relevant and consistent
interventions for targeted students.

K12 Prospects Lab
K12 Prospects Lab created a special platform with easy-to-use filters that will give you an instant overview in pricing and number of records as you create your k12 education data lists. The Lab offers you easy access to schools and districts email data. Segment your prospects the way you want them with just a few clicks and choose from 500+ school and district personnel.